The future for Community Energy?

CEO of Ethex, Lisa Ashford has published a timely article highlighting the need for clear, stable policies from the current government in order to ensure the security and prosperity of our energy system.

In light of recent cuts, to things like the Feed in Tariff (FiT), she states: “Community energy schemes have the potential to transform our energy system, by putting the power back in the hands of local people and creating local green power that could eventually be supplied directly to local residents – challenging the hegemony of Big Six energy companies.”

She goes on to add that the recent cuts imposed could jeopardise the future of the community energy market. This is followed up with a few calls to action:

“The government is consulting on its proposals so if you care about community energy, now is the time to make your voice heard.”

Friends of the Earth have created a simple feedback tool which you can access here:

Or, read the full consultation on pre accreditation and submit your response here:

For the changes to financial support to small scale solar, you can respond here:

You can also write to your MP by letter or email. Find your MP by clicking here:

Full article here:

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